We had a fantastic and busy Easter weekend. We had a fun egg hunt in our newly finished backyard with the Jackmans. Well, not so much finished, as finished for now. We want to add quite a bit of plant life. We have some plans for a few vines along the back wall and of course, the planter boxes in the back corner need to be filled. It will need to wait until next year and our budget has recovered. :0)
Afterward, Brent took some pictures of the kids in their Easter finery. Unfortunately it was the coldest, windiest day in the last few months so the pictures were....interesting. Mia was crying because she was cold. Wyatt couldn't stay still to save his life (I haven't seen so much bounce since I watch Tigger on Winnie the Pooh). And to top it all off, Ryan made every single face but his natural smile. Check it out on his site here. Thanks Brent!
We colored Easter eggs and had the famous Carlsen easter egg roll that involves rolling the finished eggs toward each other on a flat surface and seeing whose egg cracks last. It ended in a draw when Mia and Waytt missed each others eggs totally on the roll and Wyatt returned Mia's egg with a high toss in her direction and Mia dug in her fingers into Wyatts egg for kicks. They were both excited to share first place. We played games all Saturday night with some of Don's co-workers and his family. His parents are visiting for the next four months for his Dad's health (He has really bad allergies that turn to pneumonia in the spring). Oregon's loss is our gain - we have a ton of fun when they are here. We finished up with a huge Easter dinner this evening. I made a homemade carrot cake and let the kids eat waaaayyyy too much sugar. Fun times!